
Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Teeth "Before" and "After" Braces

How happy I am I have finally freed myself from wearing braces. You don't know how uncomfortable they are unless you experienced wearing them yourself. If you had or currently wearing braces you know exactly what I am talking about. One and a half long years seemed forever waiting for that final day I have my teeth fixed. Thank God I am done with my treatment and now just wearing my retainers. As my orthodontist instructed I should wear the upper retainer for two weeks 'coz of one front tooth that is bulging out. The rest of the days of my life will be wearing those clear plastic retainers at night time to avoid spending another couple thousand bucks in the future for my teeth will naturally shift as I age.

Anyways, here are my photo compilation of my braces to keep track of the progress we've done every two months during my whole treatment period.

............... first photo below is a shot of my teeth the very day Dr. Mikaluncak put them onto my mouth.
......... two months after, as you can see the most crooked tooth is having a small space from the bigger one...those spiral wire created the space and it twisted the tooth as weeks went by....
............ third photo below was taken after 9 months of my treatment... there are still more teeth need to be adjusted during this phase but it's only the doctor can tell which one.......

........... photo below was the last day I had them on... November 12 was my last visit to Dr. Mik to remove you can see the color of my teeth here have changed a bit due to the stain from drinking soda which of course was being cleaned by our family dentist 3 days after the removal of my braces...
.....last but not the least, MY SPARKLING BRAND NEW SMILE captured through the use of my webcam...I am yet to take decent photos using a digital camera to take a closer look the tremendous magic that braces have done to my teeth. KUDOS TO MY HUSBAND FOR SPENDING 5,525 USD (I mean no offense here for declaring how much we've paid, this is just for the sake of those detractors who want to satisfy their curiosity) in full payment for my braces alone...this of course not including the past dentist visits in order to prepare my teeth for the braces.

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